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Discovering Dyslexia aged 50

Have you ever suspected you may have dyslexia, but as a child, you never were assessed? Until recently, I had a feeling that I had a learning difficulty but could not clarify exactly what it was. Today, educators often pick up on the early signs of dyslexia in schools, but it went unnoticed in many children growing up in the 70s.

Families Learning Together

When we gather around a good book to tell or listen to a story we feel good. However, what happens when the story is over? We have never had a greater opportunity to extend the time we spend together as a family than in our current circumstances. This post supports the use of artwork to provide an extra opportunity to learn together as a family during Covid-19.

Learning Stories, Covid-19 Through the Eyes of Your Child

Lately, I have been hearing a lot on social media about the extra burden on parents to step into a teaching role as the ‘home-school educator’. As a parent of older children, I appreciate this is no easy task. Interesting, I have heard very little coverage discussing the opportunity that teaching and learning can give parents to connect with their child (and themselves) in a new way.