Learning Aloud is a platform for sharing educational research concerning learning and development in children from birth to 8 years. As we know, learning can be enhanced in different areas using a variety of play and teaching strategies. One strategy, for example, is storytelling (stories told or read), a valued educational tool that is known to nurture social and emotional, language and cognition. Storytelling can also foster strong relationships between the storyteller and the listeners. Storytelling in education can be utilised to support intellectual, social and emotional well-being. “Everyone, everywhere loves stories”. Therefore, we can agree that storytelling is indeed a universal language. Learning ALOUD was created to share research on storytelling, digital play and other developing areas of learning and development as they relate to young children and Early Childhood Education and Care.
One: To deliver storytelling programmes ‘Storytelling as Pedagogy’ in the pre-school and primary school setting to foster intellectual, social and emotional development.
Two: To deliver Early Childhood Education and Care Courses to adults in the life-long learning/adult education sector.
Children: Learning ALOUD will run storytelling programmes for children aged 4-12.
Families: We nurture and support children and families to learn through stories, discussion, exploration and play.
Hear me sit down with Healthy Rhythms Podcast to discuss early critical thinking development in young children
Exposure to books and stories and active participation in storytelling help children to make sense of their ever evolving world.